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i want him to take it too far so Im begging him to stop and I WOULD DO ALMOST ANYTHING TO GET HIM TO TREAT ME LIKE HIS PROPERTY DURING SEX TOTALLY OWNING, RAPING, WRECKING MY HOLE & TORTURING MY COCK ON HIS OWN AND NOT MAKING ME BEG FOR IT BUT INSTEAD BEGGING FOR HIM TO STOP!! HE ACTS LIKE ITS SO WRONG FOR ME TO WANT HIM TO BE THAT WAY TOWARDS ME. I wanna stop regretting never getting to try my inner freak out and expirament and stop regretting that and change it to regretting that I pushed for being too much of a freak and got way in over my head. I want be forced down tied up and used & abused!! I want rough, sweaty, unpredictable, limit trashing, & everything pushed over the top sex. Little does he know I am dangerously obsessed with being raped / forced wrecking my hole while having my cock brutally tortured. but now im desperatly wish posting since I cant get anything close to it. This started out as a wish list/fantasy blog of stuff I wanted my husband to do to me.

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